
Friday, October 25, 2013

Modern Momma: DIY Leather Bow-Ties for Little Dudes.

Our Modern Momma Lauren has been super busy making & selling badass antler necklaces(blog post soon)...yet she still has time to DIY for me;)! LOVE HER! This is the CUTEST & so easy!!! 

Leather Bow-Ties

This could be a DIY that you over think and make hard so don't make it like that!! All I did was cut a chunk of leather (sleeves off a leather coat I made into a vest) and measured a length that I liked on Mac. Since he's only 15 months he has a smaller bow tie than a ten year old. I then pinched right in the middle of the square and the accordion folded both sides twice. Once I had all the folds about the same I glued them together with hot glue. I then took a thin strip of leather and glued it around the middle. I didn't have any clips or else I would've used those to clasp the tie on the shirt so all I did was take another long piece and glued the middle of that on the back of the bow tied to be safety pinned together around his neck.


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