
Monday, October 28, 2013

7 Things to do with your wedding dress after your wedding THAT ROCK!

You wore the dress, you LOVED the what??!!? Take it from me, putting your dress in the back of some closet, just to 'save it'  is NOT the answer!! Save it for what... 

Why not do something awesome with it!!! I have scoured all my sources to find you the coolest ways to  re-purpose your dress!! 

1.   TRAVEL WITH IT: Spare yourself that extra outfit and pack your wedding dress instead!! Take fun photos on the beach or the ski slopesJ!

2.  MAKE A BABY OUTFIT: Take your dress to a seamstress and have them create a beautiful christening out fit or baby bonnet for your first born!

3.  DONATE IT: Possibly the coolest way I found was donating your dress to ‘BRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER’; send your dress in and help the fight against Breast Cancer.

4.  RE-STYLE IT: Make your dress new again! Dye it a new color, cut it off to cocktail length! Wear it again!

5. MAKE A QUILT: One bride made her dress into a quilt using her dress and her husbands dress shirt! LOVE!

6. SECRET OF THE TRAVELING DRESS: Bless a new bride in need of a dress through this cool website! You can even pick the bride that will wear it! You send it off to her with a special note, and in return she will send you pictures of her on her wedding day, and then send it off to a new bride in need!

7. ROCK IT: Last but not least, those who just can’t let go and want to leave there dress exactly how it is… pick an anniversary, put that dress back on, and ROCK IT! 

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